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What are Marine Heat Waves?

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What are Marine Heat Waves?

Marine Heat Waves (MHW) consist of localised, persistent, and anomalously warm seawater temperature events usually detected at the sea surface level. Continuous monitoring of sea surface temperature, from both remote sensing observations and numerical models, is essential to detect such events and manage their impacts.

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What are Marine Heat Waves?

While several studies report MHW events observed around the world, they have received less attention than those occurring in the atmosphere and over land. Still, they are known to have significant impacts on ocean biological systems, from shifts in species ranges to marine biodiversity losses, as well as impacts on marine ecosystem services and human ocean-based economic activities, such as aquaculture and fisheries.

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What are Marine Heat Waves?

MHW are climate-induced phenomena affected not only by long term climate changes but also by short-lived extreme weather events. It is under this scope that MHW have been the topic of recent scientific advances and discussions aiming to better understand how they influence the ocean health.

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What is CAREHeat?

deteCtion and threAts of maRinE Heat waves

About us


What is CAREHeat?

CAREHeat (deteCtion and threAts of maRinE Heat waves) is a project funded by the European Space Agency (ESA) which is focused on extreme MHW. It aims to improve existing MHW detection algorithms, contributing to a better understanding of their impacts.

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What is CAREHeat?

CAREHeat will therefore contribute to better understand the complex interaction between global climate change and local transient effects on sea surface temperatures that can pose significant ecological and economic impacts.

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What is CAREHeat?

CAREHeat employs novel Earth Observation (EO) products for various purposes, including:

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What is CAREHeat?

Development, implementation, and validation of an improved version of the current Hobday-based MHW detection workflow

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Demonstration of the feasibility of blending EO remote sensing data, from Sentinel and Copernicus, with in-situ measurements and numerical model outputs, through machine learning techniques, to successfully reconstruct and provide insights into the spatio-temporal evolution of MHW events

Advance the current scientific knowledge on MHW occurrence, including disclosing the contribution of climate change and climatic modes to their prevalence, effects on ecosystems and biogeochemistry, and its role in more complex compound events

Establish the added value of the MHW EO novel products to society, by examining its performance in predicting corresponding biological and/or economic losses

CAREHeat is a 2-year ESA-funded project that started on March 2022 and will be completed by September 2024.

Find out more about CAREHeat on ESA’s website.

What is CAREHeat?